Thank you for your interest in becoming a sponsor of USAYESS!
Sponsors are individuals or organizations that want to make a monetary contribution toward the advancement of youth shooting sports through the efforts of the USAYESS. Sponsors receive benefits and exposure based on several levels and at USAYESS events as listed below.
Not interested in becoming a sponsor but still want to make a donation? Please click here to donate to the USAYESS. We appreciate it.
While we do offer sponsorships at various levels, most sponsors choose to create their own package with various monetary donations, product donations, or a mix of both.

You will have the option to pay online with a credit card or by check. All submissions for payment result in an invoice being generated and emailed to you.
In accordance with the Internal Revenue Service guidelines, gifts, sponsorship or other contributions to USAYES as a 501(c)(3) organization may be deductible as charitable contributions on the donor/sponsor’s federal income tax return. Please consult a tax adviser for more information.